
“The Gospel joy which enlivens the community of disciples is a missionary joy.”

Joy of the Gospel #21, Pope Francis

The Center for Mission promotes and coordinates mission outreach of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. We help build bridges of cooperation and communion between the archdiocese and both global and local communities through activities of encounter that include mission trips, partnerships, school/parish projects, and annual appeals.  The Center for Mission also brings the depth and beauty of the mission spirit to adults and youth through education and experiences.

Globally, the archdiocese reaches over 1,150 mission dioceses in more than 120 countries around the world through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and other Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS). We further this work by overseeing activities such as the Missionary Cooperation Plan, the World Mission Sunday celebration, specific appeals, mass stipends, planned giving and bequest opportunities, and monthly donors.

The Center for Mission is praying for safety, hope, and security for all people.



