An opportunity for parishes to experience Catholicism beyond our borders

The Missionary Cooperation Plan (MCP) was conceived in the 1930’s in the United States as an organized way to help mission-sending societies solicit funds for their mission efforts and to give them the opportunity to appeal for vocations to their religious communities. The MCP offers the opportunity for mission organizations, dioceses and religious congregations to apply for mission appeals in the Archdiocese of St Paul and Minneapolis. The Center for Mission manages this program and the director receives these applications, chooses the participants, assigns three or four parishes, collects and disperses the funds received.

It has been a very successful program as the host parishes have an opportunity to hear and engage Catholics from around the world and a chance for those struggling to build their Catholic communities, to share their stories and receive financial help.

COVID 19: Updated Guidance for Parish Missionary Appeals
The Covid-19 Pandemic has disrupted the normal schedule and process for parishes to host the annual missionary speaker in 2020 as part of the Missionary Cooperation Plan.  The following updated guidance is provided to assist parishes as they consider how and when they will host a missionary in 2020.

  • The normal timeframe for a parish hosting a missionary has been relaxed. A mission appeal may now take place on any weekend in 2020 that is agreeable to the parish and the mission group.
  • Some mission appeals may need to be postponed or canceled because of travel restrictions for the missionary or changing circumstances at the parish.
  • The format for conducting the appeals can be flexible to meet the situation of each parish. Appeal presentations can be given in person as usual or they may be given as video-type recordings for streaming services or other formats that serve the purpose.
  • Mission groups and parishes should communicate with each other to address any changes that arise or need to be made.

Contact Deacon Mickey Friesen at the Center for Mission with any questions or concerns about participating in the Missionary Cooperation Plan in 2020 at: / 651-291-4445.


Applications for 2025 are available here.

