Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grant

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) was founded in 1970 by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as their domestic anti-poverty program. With the objective of creating sustainable systems, CCHD supports community and economic development programs across the United States that help poor and marginalized people come together to make decisions, seek solutions and find way to improve their lives. There are two separate grant categories available: CCHD and Local.

CCHD Grants, either community development or economic development, are for local archdiocesan organizations that offer anti-poverty programs and initiatives that also align with Catholic social teachings. Organizations may apply to receive a this grant for larger financial needs. The pre-applications are screened by a Selections Committee – made up of local and national staff) and an advisory board of local community members. Recommendations are then made by the Selections Committee to the Archbishop. If approved, the final grant applications are then forwarded to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for final approval.

The Local Grant, Christian Sharing Fund (CSF), is for local archdiocesan organizations offering anti-poverty initiatives that align with Catholic social teachings who are applying for local, smaller grant needs. Capital for Christian Sharing Fund grants come from two sources: 25%  of the annual parish collection for CCHD and money that has been contributed by Catholic parishes and individuals.

For information contact Adam Fitzpatrick >>


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