Alfred Hauwiller Fund

The Alfred Hauwiller is named after a passionate supporter of mission and the Center for Mission. This fund offers financial support to specific Catholic mission initiatives and mission apostolates located within the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. These are one-time grants to be used to enhance local mission evangelization outreach efforts.

Average Grant: $2,500 (depends on financial request and number of other requests that year)

Application Schedule: Deadline for grant requests is March 31st each year. Grants are awarded in July of the year they are requested.

Application: Grant applications may only be submitted by mission organization leaders/directors. Submit a request in writing stating:

-Organization name and contact
-Requested need
-Benefits to communities & individuals of mission initiative receiving the grant

Send applications to Deacon Mickey Friesen by email or mail to 777 Forest Street, St Paul, MN  55106.

Contact: For all inquiries, contact Deacon Mickey Friesen by email or call 651.291.4445.

Minnesota CYC

Catholic Youth Camp