Catholic Campaign for Human Development

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) was founded in 1970 by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as their domestic (U.S.) anti-poverty program. Thus, CCHD supports community and economic development programs that help poor and marginalized people, who have gathered to create solutions and sustainable systems, that aid those suffering poverty. These organizations are created and managed by the disadvantaged…helping the needy and marginalized. CCHD has two category opportunities for grants for these solutions: National and Local. Funds for CCHD are collected in parishes usually on the second to last Sunday of November. Donations to CCHD are accepted anytime, to donate, click on this link >> . Please remember to select Catholic Campaign for Human Development on the pull down menu.

The CCHD National grants are for community development or economic development organizations in the archdiocese, that offer anti-poverty programs and initiative that must also align with Catholic social teachings. Generally, this grant is awarded for larger financial needs.  Organizations must apply through the application process. Pre-applications are screened by a Selections Committee and an advisory board of local community members, who  will do an on-site visit.  Recommendations from the  Committee and board are forwarded to the Archbishop for approval. Final grant applications are then forwarded to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for final approval. If you are interested in joining the board, please contact Adam Fitzpatrick here>>

The local grants, called Christian Sharing Fund (CSF), are for local archdiocesan organizations that offer anti-poverty initiatives that align with Catholic social teachings. These tend to be smaller grant needs that aid with activity. Applications for these grants go through the process described above. The funds for these grants are generated from two sources: 25% of the annual collection for CCHD and donations by Catholic parishes and individuals.

If you would like additional info regarding CCHD and grant recipients, watch this local Journey to Justice video, click here>>

If you would like to apply for grants, contact Adam Fitzpatrick here>>