
[vc_btn title=”Donate” color=”sky” size=”sm” align=”center” button_block=”true” link=”|title:Contribute%20Form”]
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There are many opportunities to express your baptismal call to mission through gifts of support

Your generosity and support helps us reach out to thousands of brothers and sisters around the world. Here are just a few examples of ways you can work with the Center for Mission to animate your baptismal call to mission, to bring the Kingdom of God worldwide.  Programs have opportunities for contributing through prayer, financial aid and service.

Water Relief Projects – From digging wells to promoting conservation, our Archdiocese is helping foster water relief in the Diocese of Kitui through programs like Living Water and Harvest of Hope.

Missionary Cooperation Plan – Coordinates appeals in parishes by mission organizations, dioceses and religious congregations. Annually we help 54 – 56 groups who are involved in cross-cultural mission service around the world.

Ongoing Mission Education Programs  for Schools and Parishes– Providing programs and mission education to inspire parishioners young and old to participate, including Living Water, Annual Writing Contest, Holy Buckets, CRS Rice Bowl and more.

CRS Emergency Relief – Occasional appeals for emergency situations, like relief for those suffering from the  Nepal earthquake.

2021 National and Diocesan Collections Schedule
Click Here>>

Mass Stipends – The Center for Mission also enables St. Paul/Minneapolis parishioners to have masses said for specific individuals. If you are interested in providing a Mass Stipend for someone, please download and mail the PDF with your contribution, or contact us at 651-222-6556. Mass Stipend form, Click Here>>.

Rosaries  There are several parishes that have rosary groups that make rosaries, especially mission rosaries.  The Center for Mission appreciates donations of these rosaries and ensures that they are forwarded to mission dioceses worldwide where they are thrilled to receive them.

Contribute financially

Your financial help is so important to us.  Thank you for your prayers and support!

The office of the Center for Mission does not receive funding from the archdiocese or PMS but relies solely on the generosity of our donors to enable us to continue providing mission activity for parishes and individuals.

You can contribute at any time or for any appeal and we will make sure you receive a thank you and receipt for your gifts of support.  All donations are tax deductible. You can do so in the following ways:

  •  Electronically on our website which is easy and safe: Click Here>> for one time gift.
  •  Mail either with a check or credit card info.
    Center for Mission
    777 Forest Street
    St Paul, MN 55106
  • By Phone (Credit Card)


Dominican Republic Trip June 2009 055 - Copy


Kitui at picnic