Living Water

Give Change…Change Lives

For over ten years our archdiocese has been in a mutually beneficial Global Solidarity Partnership with the Diocese of Kitui, Kenya. The goals of our partnership have been the mutual sharing of faith, resources and our lives with one another. The Living Water program encompasses all three of these goals.

The gift of water is scarce in Kitui. Without rain, crops whither and livestock die, leading to hardship and threatening daily life. Lack of water also threatens the Christian life because of lack of water to baptize children into the faith. Here in the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” we can feel insulated from the challenge of water scarcity that exists around the world, and in our complacency, our recognition of the Source of all water and life can slip.

The name “Living Water” comes from the Gospel conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who is saying to you ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” (John 4:10). This program is an opportunity to both share and receive Living Water.

This two or four-week program, designed for schools and parishes, focuses on mission and the sacramental life of faith during the Easter season. Students receive a calendar and water bottle for a daily journey experiencing the day-to-day life and drought situation of the Kamba people in our partnership Diocese of Kitui, Kenya. Students will be able to share gifts of prayer, open their awareness of the suffering of others and offer support by using the water bottles to collect coins that will be used to help with the struggle for water in Kitui.

The Kamba people are very appreciative of our relationship and the gift of water. Watch Nuu villagers express their appreciation: Click Here>>

For details and information, contact Janine Ricker>>


LivingWaterRevision well only

