Mustard Seed Mission Fund

The Mustard Seed Mission Fund provides financial support to missionaries of the archdiocese who serve overseas for at least one year with a Catholic mission organization. Grants help to supplement living expenses of the missionary and mission activities.

Average Grant: $1,500/year (depends on financial request and number of other requests that year)

Application Schedule: Grant applications can be made at any time. Requests are accepted once per calendar year during each mission year overseas. Interviews will follow grant requests.

Application: Submit a grant request in writing detailing the following:

-Missionary’s story
-Relationship to the archdiocese
-Name of mission organization
-Intended destination
-Desired length of service
-Explanation of financial needs

Send applications to Deacon Mickey Friesen by email or mail to 777 Forest Street, St Paul, MN  55106.

Contact: For all inquiries, contact Deacon Mickey Friesen by email or call 651.291.4445.

Missionaries in India

Missionary in Bolivia