
The Church is missionary by its nature.

People of all ages in the Church seeking to understand their baptismal call to mission will benefit from opportunities to deepen their faith and missionary vocation. The parish is the most natural location to learn about and engage in mission activity.

The Center for Mission offers activities and programs throughout the year for  parishes to use to animate religious education. Students learn about their brothers and sisters in other parts of the world and experience solidarity through prayer and sacrifice. Adults can engage in programs along with their children in many of the catechetical and mission programs offered through the Center for Mission. Pray the World Mission Rosary with the Center for Mission, click here>>

And parishes that have sister parish relationships can benefit from learning how to enhance the experience in a way that effectively reflects the Catholic social principles of subsidiarity and human dignity.

It is important for all to have a sense of mission, of our brothers and sister overseas, to share in the struggles and joys in solidarity with others…as Pope Francis has stated in “Joy of the Gospel,”

“We have to regard ourselves as sealed, even branded, by this mission of bringing light, blessing, enlivening, raising up, healing and freeing.”

Evangelii Gaudium #273, Pope Francis


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