Damascus Family to Family Sponsorship


The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and the Archdiocese of Damascus have shared a partnership of faith and solidarity.  One of the goals of this partnership is to share resources in a spirit of generosity, stewardship and thanksgiving.  During the 2023 partnership meeting, it was discerned that a mutual concern for families in Damascus was a priority to focus on.  Families in Damascus have been greatly harmed by the ongoing civil war making it increasingly hard for them to sustain themselves and remain together in Syria.  The Archdiocese of Damascus offers basic financial support to families in need on a monthly basis.  This need extends far beyond the existing resources of the Church in Damascus.  It was mutually decided that the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis would join with Damascus to extend and expand this basic support to families through a family to family sponsorship.

Family to Family Sponsorship

The goal of the Family-to-Family Sponsorship Program is to make it possible for families in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis to sponsor a particular family in need in the Archdiocese of Damascus with a monthly donation of support that will provide for the basic needs of families to sustain them:  medicines, household needs, food, assisting elderly.

  • Sponsoring families are asked to provide a monthly tax-deductible gift of $20 per month to support for as long as they desire. Sign-up happens through the Center for Mission Damascus Contribution webpage.  Sponsors can choose one-time or ongoing automatic withdrawals.
  • Sponsoring families receive a description of the family they are sponsoring. Due to privacy and safety concerns, receiving families must maintain a level of anonymity and cannot communicate directly with sponsoring family.
  • Sponsoring families will receive a quarterly update on the situation of families in Damascus that they are sponsoring.
  • Sponsorship funds are forwarded to the Church in Damascus who in turn gives it to the families in need.
  • Sponsorship can continue as long as Sponsors are willing.

To donate, Click Here>>    If you have questions contact Mickey Friesen>>