Application Process for Missionary Cooperation Plan
Applications are no longer being accepted for 2023. 2024 applications will be available mid-March, 2023.
To help applicants interested in speaking at parishes of the Archdiocese of St Paul and Minneapolis, a brief outline of the application process is highlighted to the right. This process provides applicants with a broad view of the selection determinants and timing for each year.
Applications are in Word designed to provide room for all information. Please download the appropriate Word document to your computer, type in information, save it on your computer for your copy and either email, mail or fax the filled in Word document to:
Deacon Mickey Friesen
Center for Mission
777 Forest Street
St. Paul, MN 55106
Mail, Click Here>>
p 651.291.4445
f 651.291.4467
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions: Click Here>>