Roles and Responsibilities

The process for arranging visit and hosting details is important to follow to eliminate any confusion or misunderstanding.  The process includes roles and responsibilities for the visitor applicant and the parish host.  These are generally outlined below.


  • Parishes agree to host a missionary coop speaker one weekend/year and take up a collection in all weekend masses
  • Parishes will be informed of the mission assignment in January
  • Parishes will work with speaker regarding room and board, speaker makes own arrangements to get to the parish
  • The parish collection should be made in one check and mailed to the Center for Mission for allocation to the speaker’s diocese, congregation or mission organization. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Speakers should not solicit by collecting money directly to be paid to them at Mass
  • At times the parish priest would like a priest replacement to preside during the weekends. This needs to be discussed with Mickey Friesen in advance so an appropriate mission representative is assigned.



Speaker Applicants

  • Agree to make appeals to parishes in the Archdiocese through Center for Mission only
  • Speakers from outside the Archdiocese must provide Testimonial of Suitability form which is provided by the Center for Mission
  • Once speaker receives acceptance letter from the Center for Mission, they are responsible to make first contact with assigned parish to set up details of visit; appeal dates, lodging, meals, transportation if necessary, language requirements at parish and other special instructions
  • Speakers need to re-contact parish three weeks before scheduled appeal to confirm details of visit
  • Speakers may not bring, distribute or collect their own envelopes, or other methods of donation collection at parish
  • All collected donations during appeal come to the Center for Mission for allocation to speakers organization, congregation or diocese

Questions? Contact Mickey Friesen, Click Here>>