
“True education enables us to love life and opens us to the fullness of life.”
Address to teacher, 5/10/14, Pope Francis

Generating a sense of the importance of mission begins with children and what better place than in the classroom of our Catholic schools. Mission teaches the value of love for the other, even those in other countries.  It teaches the importance of human dignity and what that means in different cultures. It teaches that all deserve the “fullness of life.” And it teaches global and local responsibility.

The Center for Mission offers many programs and opportunities for schools and students to engage in the experience of mission. Engagement is entered in many forms including service, prayer and financial gifts. Programs include:

Monthly Mission Intentions>>

Writing Contest>>

CRS Rice Bowl>>

Living Water>>

Speakers Bureau>>

For an overview of these programs, Click Here>>


Deacon Mickey Friesen with Emil Liden

School listening to Mike Haasl


Bishop Taban Paride, South Sudan, Visiting Schools