Social Mission Outreach

In September of 2018, the Center for Mission created a new social mission division to serve the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. The Center for Mission provides opportunities to “encounter Christ in mission” overseas and now, has broadened mission to encounter Christ locally. Catholic Social Teaching provides a foundation for all of our activities and a backdrop for decision-making.  Our social mission work focuses on empowering individuals and organizations in the archdiocese to meet the needs of their own communities through grant programs, leadership development, education, programs, activities and resource coordination.

Social Mission Outreach includes three main ministries: Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), and Social Mission Outreach. Our main projects we are undertaking at the Center for Mission include nurturing the Archdiocesan Care for Creation team, coordinating prison ministry resources, and assisting parishes in developing social outreach programs.

We encounter Christ in local mission by providing grant opportunities for nonprofits that focus on changing systems and activities to further enhance human dignity: relieving poverty, hunger relief, shelter for homeless, resource development, disaster relief, as well as opportunities for education. Join us as we respond to the call from Evangelium Vitae #47 where “every believer is called to ‘serve the least of these’, to ‘hunger and thirst for justice,’ and to be a peacemaker. For more information regarding social ministry, contact Adam Fitzpatrick, click here>>

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Catholic Relief Services

Care for Creation