Animating Mission for Students
Each year, the Center for Mission holds an annual writing contest during the pre-Lenten season. It is for students, grades 1 – 12, where students answer a question related to how they witness to their Catholic faith as a door into Lent. Students in schools and parish faith formation classes are welcome to submit entries.
The contest is judged by returned missionaries and others and a winner is selected in each of four grade-level categories. Entries are due by Ash Wednesday and winners are announced around Easter. Each winner receives an award certificate and a cash prize.
It has been a successful project for students as the number of entries submitted climbs every year. Students have been very articulate and able to write from the heart.
2023 Writing Contest
All entries have been received and have been judged by our panel of returned missionaries. These wonderful submissions were all well-written and creative.
Students were asked to respond to the question “How do you share your gifts of the Holy Spirit with your community and how does this help you live out Christ’s mission?
We appreciate all student efforts. Winners have been selected and are at right.
Thank you all for your efforts.
Javi Hoffard, Saint Wenceslaus Catholic School, New Prague
Penelope Thomson, St. Joseph’s Catholic School, West Saint Paul
William Teixeira, St Raphael Catholic School, Crystal
Luke Hennen, Our Lady of the Prairie Catholic School, Belle Plaine